Nuvo Eye Centre de l'oeil

Veuillez noter que nous faisons actuellement face à un volume élevé d'appels, donc un délai de réponse prolongée est prévu (jusqu’à 72 heures). En cas d’urgence, nous vous recommandons de contacter votre médecin de famille ou de vous rendre au centre de soins urgents le plus proche.

Pupils Vision THERAPY est maintenant le Centre de l'oeil Nuvo à Orléans (170 Vanguard Drive)


Politique de confidentialité

Nuvo Eye Centre de l’oeil is providing this information to you in compliance with the Canadian Privacy Law enacted on January 1, 2004. This law, entitled Personal Information Protection & Electronics Documents Act (PIPEDA) requires IRIS to adhere to the 10 principles of fair information management for using, collecting and disclosing “Personal Information” in the course of business. As a customer or patient, you have entrusted us with personal information such as name, address, phone number and medical information. This information is stored in your file and is used by Nuvo Eye Centre de l’oeil to provide you and our doctors, managers and associates with a historical record of your eye health and eyewear purchases.

Nuvo Eye Centre de l’oeil is accountable and responsible for the information it collects in the daily course of its business. We limit the collection, use and disclosure to the extent required to conduct business and provide ongoing services.

Nuvo Eye Centre de l’oeil collects, uses and discloses personal information for the following purposes:

  1. Offering and providing you with eyewear and related products and services.
  2. Offering and providing Optometric and Ophthalmology services.
  3. Offering and providing appointment booking services.
  4. Establishing and maintaining contact with you.
  5. Compiling statistics. Complying with the law.

Your knowledge and consent of collection use and disclosure of your personal information are important to us. The following actions by you are indications of your consent for Nuvo Eye Centre de l’oeil to use your personal information:

  1. Your voluntary provision of personal information directly to Nuvo Eye Centre de l’oeil through one of our representatives.
  2. Your express consent is contained within a written, verbal or electronic application process.
  3. Your consent is solicited by Nuvo Eye Centre de l’oeil for a specific purpose.
  4. Your consent is given through your authorized representative such as a legal guardian or holder of a power of attorney.

Nuvo Eye Centre de l’oeil will only collect, use or disclose personal information that is necessary for the Identified purposes or as required by law. Nuvo Eye Centre de l’oeil will only collect information by lawful and fair means. Nuvo Eye Centre de l’oeil limits the collection of data to information that is reasonable and necessary to maintain a relationship with you. We will keep personal Information only as long as necessary for the fulfilment of the identified purposes.

Nuvo Eye Centre de l’oeil will ensure that personal information is as accurate and complete as possible. We will ensure that an individual can review and update their personal information and process requests in a timely manner.

Nuvo Eye Centre de l’oeil safeguards the personal information it collects by having security arrangements to prevent unauthorized access, collection and use. Safeguards will vary depending on the location and storage medium.

If you have any questions, comments, concerns or requests pertaining to our privacy policy, please contact us at:

Nuvo Eye Centre de l’oeil
Attn: Clinic Manager
170 Vanguard Drive,
Orleans, ON K4A 1A1

Or to contact us electronically sent an email to

What is Personal Information?
Personal information includes a wide variety of data. Personal information is information that could be used to identify a specific individual. Examples include name, address, gender, age, family status and social insurance and other personal identification numbers.

How do you safeguard my Personal Information?
We use a variety of security measures such as restricting employee access, using locked file cabinets, locked rooms and security alarms. For electronic data, we employ passwords, encryption and firewalls.

Do I have a choice in how you use my personal information?
You may choose to opt-out of our recall programs.