Myopic Control

Myopia is the inability to see things clearly unless they’re relatively close to your eyes; commonly referred to as nearsightedness. We now offer various strategies to help slow the progression of myopia in children.

Kids Corner - Eye Exams for Children

What causes Myopia?

There are various reasons for Myopia to develop. The first being genetics. If both parents are nearsighted, there is a much greater chance that the child will be as well. There are also environmental risk factors to consider. There’s no hiding it, we live in a screen-controlled world and kids who spend a lot of time engaged in near-sighted activities are at greater risk of becoming myopic.

What can you do at home?

There are a few things that are key to proper vision development in children. The three main suggestions are to stay healthy with a good diet and exercise, limit screen time to a minimum and play outside! Studies show that spending more time outdoors lowers the risk of myopic progression!

How can Nuvo help?

We offer 3 main strategies to help slow the progression of myopia in children:


Contacts & Glasses

This traditional approach utilizes specialty contact lenses and glasses, both specifically designed to reduce the progression of myopia in children.

Kids Corner - My first pair of glasses



Ortho-k is a process that uses speciality contact lenses worn only at night. These lenses reshape the corneal surface of your child’s eyes while they’re asleep. This technology not only slows the progression of myopia long-term, but it also allows your child to see clearly during the day without the need for glasses or other traditional contact lenses.



Studies show that a low-dose of atropine, typically given as eye drops at bedtime, can slow the progression of myopia in children up to 59%, preventing severe nearsightedness. Research also shows that once atropine treatment stops, myopia progression can ramp up again. So, getting a diagnosis as early as possible and using atropine consistently through the eye’s growth years are key.